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Market Insight: United Kingdom

Join the upcoming Market Insight about the UK on November 23, 10-11 CET and get inspired on how to do business in the UK market from a marketing and sales perspective. Meet market experts and experienced companies sharing their experiences and learn about the latest findings from this year’s Insight Report on Denmark as a food nation.

Health, sustainability and food safety plays an increasingly important role when doing business abroad. According to Food Nations’ latest Insight Report, Uk decision-makers associate health with food safety, organic foods and sustainability. They furthermore see food safety and security, plant-based food products and organic food products as the top contributors to health.

Together with our the Embassy of Denmark in the UK we will zoom in on these results from a UK perspective and talk about market possibilities and challenges. Experienced companies will also share their perspective and hands-on advice on how a localised marketing and sales strategy can support your export to the UK market.


  • Welcome
    By Marianne Riisbøll, Project Manager, Food Nation
  • Presentation of key findings from the Insight Report 2022
    By Christina Tønner Jensen, Project Manager Food Nation
  • Market information, business opportunities and possible pitfalls
    By Esben Egede Rasmussen, Minister Counsellor, Royal Danish Embassy in the United Kingdom
  • Hands-on experiences on how to adapt your marketing and sales strategy to the UK market
    By André van Wageningen, Sr Public Affairs Manager, Grodan
  • Q&A and final remarks
    Moderated by Marianne Riisbøll, Project Manager, Food Nation

By participating in the webinar, you will gain insight on:

  • How Denmark as a food nation is perceived among the UK decision-makers and which strongholds to focus on in your marketing and sales strategy
  • The importance of underlining your efforts within health, sustainability and food safety when doing business abroad
  • Current market information, business opportunities and pitfalls to be aware of when exporting to the UK
  • Hands-on experience from Danish companies trading with the UK market

Who should attend? We kindly invite representatives and decision-makers from exporting as well as export-ready companies and organisations within the food arena.

Market Insight: Japan

Join the upcoming Market Insight about Japan on January 19, 8.30-9.30 am CET and get inspired on how to do business in the Japanese market from a marketing and sales perspective. Meet market experts and experienced companies sharing their experiences and learn about the latest findings from this year’s Insight Report on Denmark as a food nation.

Health, sustainability and food safety plays an increasingly important role when doing business abroad. According to Food Nations’ latest Insight Report, Japanese decision-makers associate health with organic foods, food safety and sustainability. They furthermore see food safety and security, organic food products and reliable cleaning and disinfection solutions as the top contributors to health.

Most Japanese decision-makers – 86% – experience that their company’s customers increasingly demand more healthy food products and solutions. 75%  believe that Danish companies offer products and solutions that support healthy food production across the value chain.

Together with the Embassy of Denmark in Japan, we will zoom in on these results from a Japanese perspective and talk about market possibilities and challenges. Experienced companies will also share their perspective and hands-on advice on how a localised marketing and sales strategy can support your export to the Japanese market.


  • Presentation of key findings from the Insight Report 2022
    By Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation
  • Market information, business opportunities and possible pitfalls
    By Jesper Vibe-Hansen, Minister Counsellor, Embassy of Denmark in Japan
  • Hands-on experience on how to adapt your marketing and sales strategy to the Japanese market
    By Frank Bach Rasmussen, CEO, RAWBITE ApS
  • Q&A and final remarks
    By Marianne Riisbøll, Brand and Engagement Manager, Food Nation

By participating in the webinar, you will gain insight on:

  • How Denmark as a food nation is perceived among Japanese decision-makers and which strongholds to focus on in your marketing and sales strategy
  • The importance of underlining your efforts within health, sustainability and food safety when doing business abroad
  • Current market information, business opportunities and pitfalls to be aware of when exporting to Japan
  • Hands-on experience from Danish companies trading with the Japanese market

Who should attend? We kindly invite representatives and decision-makers from exporting as well as export-ready companies and organisations within the food arena.

Food Sector Value Chain Event – Kenya

Join the Embassy of Denmark in Nairobi on November 3rd from 10.00-14.00 (local time), 08.00-12.00 (DK time), where we bring together Kenyan food processors and Danish Suppliers (virtually) to highlight Danish solutions in food processing and cold chain sector.

Develop a B2B network with local Kenyan food & dairy processors and gain an understanding of Kenyan food processing opportunities.


  • 10.00: Welcome remarks
    Ambassador H.E Ole Thonke
  • 10.10: Opening & Presentation of the programme
    Karina Bech, Head of Trade, Trade Council Nairobi
  • 10.20: Food Processing in Kenya, opportunities & challenges
    – Francis Juma – CEO, Food World Africa & Director AFMASS
  • 10.45: Challenges and policy interventions for better food safety
    – Henning Nygaard, Sector Counsellor Food, Embassy of Denmark
  • 11.10: Value chain opportunities – Farm to Fork
    – Agatha Thuo – General Manager, ASNET
  • 11.30: Private Sector Perspective on Food Sector – Opportunities & Challenges and new GOK focus in the Sector
    – Kenya Association of Manufacturers – speaker TBC
  • 11.50: Coffee break
  • 12.00: Overview of Denmark’s food sector solutions
    Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation
  • 12.30: Short company pitch from Danish suppliers
  • 13.00: Short company pitch from Kenyan suppliers
  • 13.30: Credit Lending accessible for Danish equipment to Kenyan
    – Denmark’s Export Credit Agency and Investment Fund for Developing Countries – speaker TBC
    – Chris Maranga – Investment Director – IFU
  • 13.45: Q&A and closing remarks
    Karina Bech, Head of Trade Kenya
  • 14.00: Lunch & networking

Online participation

To join the meeting virtually please confirm your participation by email to by COB 24th of October 2022. You will receive a link to the event afterward.

Market Insight: South Korea

Join the upcoming Market Insight about South Korea on October 24, 8.30-9.30 am CET and get inspired on how to do business in the South Korean market from a marketing and sales perspective. Meet market experts and experienced companies sharing their experiences and learn about the latest findings from this year’s Insight Report on Denmark as a food nation.

Health, sustainability and food safety plays an increasingly important role when doing business abroad. According to Food Nations’ latest Insight Report, South Korean decision-makers associate health with food safety, organic foods and sustainability. They furthermore see food safety and security, minimal antibiotic use and organic farming methods as the top contributors to health.

Most South Korean decision-makers – 83% – experience that their company’s customers increasingly demand more healthy food products and solutions. About two-thirds believe that Danish companies offer technological solutions and products that can support the development and production of healthy food products.

Together with the Embassy of Denmark in Korea we will zoom in on these results from a South Korean perspective and talk about market possibilities and challenges. Experienced companies will also share their perspective and hands-on advice on how a localised marketing and sales strategy can support your export to the South Korean market.


  • Welcome
    By Marianne Riisbøll, Project Manager, Food Nation
  • Presentation of key findings on the Korean market from the Insight Report 2022
    By Maria Dyrby Nielsen, Head of Communication and Project Manager, Food Nation
  • Market information, business opportunities and possible pitfalls
    By Mr. Jimmy Sell, Head of Trade, Commercial Counsellor and Ms. Jeong Hyeon Park, Commercial Officer (Food and Agriculture), Embassy of Denmark in Korea
  • Hands-on experience on how to adapt your marketing and sales strategy to the South Korean market
    By Byong Kyu Yi, Commercial Head AIB JKA & General Manager, Novozymes Korea Ltd.
  • Q&A and final remarks
    By Marianne Riisbøll, Project Manager, Food Nation

By participating in the webinar, you will gain insight on:

  • How Denmark as a food nation is perceived among the South Korean decision-makers and which strongholds to focus on in your marketing and sales strategy
  • The importance of underlining your efforts within health, sustainability and food safety when doing business abroad
  • Current market information, business opportunities and pitfalls to be aware of when exporting to South Korea
  • Hands-on experience from Danish companies trading with the South Korean market

Who should attend?

We kindly invite representatives and decision-makers from exporting as well as export-ready companies and organisations within the food arena.

Let’s talk: Powering sustainable agri-food systems with plant-based products and solutions

Join Food Nation’s Global Food Talk online on November 30 from 2.15-3.45 pm CET. At the talk, you will meet leading high-level profiles from the Danish and international agricultural and food scene.

The world’s population is projected to reach 10 billion in 2050. One of our greatest challenges will be to feed everyone with safe, sustainable, and nutritious food that is produced, consumed, and recycled in a responsible way.

While there is not just one right path toward sustainable agri-food system transformation, the developments and innovations happening in the plant-based sector these days may be a game changer at a national, regional, and global level.

Dietary changes towards eating less meat and more vegetables, pulses, and whole grains can reduce the environmental impacts on the food system. The evidence compiled so far points to the health and environmental benefit of shifting to a more plant-based diet.

The main question for this talk is: How does the plant-based sector contribute to innovation, product development, and healthy, sustainable food systems?


  • Welcome
    Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation
  • Key-note speaker
    – Lara Pappers, Programme Development Manager, Jeremy Coller Foundation
  • Fireside talk 1: Research-driven innovation to boost the plant-based solutions of tomorrow
    Dan Crossley, Executive Director, Food Ethics Council
    – Esben Egede Rasmussen, Minister Counsellor for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Embassy of Denmark in the United Kingdom
  • Fireside talk 2: Providing innovation and technologies to boost plant-based products
    – David Erlandsson, Co-founder & sales director, Aliga Microalgae
    – Mette Skau Mikkelsen, Principal Scientist – Plant-based Foods Initiative Driver, FOSS
  • Wrap up
    Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation

Plant Based World Expo Europe

This Global Food Talk is contributing to the international debate and will be held in relation to the Plant Based World Expo Europe in London. Here, you can discover innovative plant-based products, hear from industry leaders and pioneers, and connect with the right people from the trade including retailers, caterers, investors, buyers and distributors. The Danish pavilion is organised by the Confederation of Danish Industry with Food Nation as a branding partner. Read more here.

The talk will be live-streamed in Food Nations’ new virtual universe
If you are joining online, you need to register as a user the first time you access the platform, where you will receive a password by email. You can access the universe here—we recommend that you register as a user sometime in advance of the event.

Global Food Talk is presented by:

Let’s Talk: Ensuring global food security – Innovative sustainable solutions as a lever

Join Food Nation’s Global Food Talk on October 27: ‘Ensuring Global food security – Innovative sustainable solutions as a lever’. At the talk, you will meet leading high-level profiles from the Danish and international agricultural and food scene.

People around the globe share a common need for a safe, nutritious, and reliable supply of food. According to the UN, the number of severely food insecure people has doubled in just two years – from 135 million pre-pandemic to 276 million today.

Conflict, instability and increasing climate variability and extremes are affecting agricultural productivity, food production and natural resources, with huge impacts on food systems. All of this has led to major shifts in the way in which food is handled, produced, distributed and consumed worldwide – and to new food security, nutrition and health challenges. Therefore, we must ensure efficient and sustainable food production where everyone, everywhere has regular access to enough nutritious and safe food.

The main question for this talk is: How do we ensure enough safe, nutritious and sustainable food for everyone?


  • Welcome
    Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation
  • Key-note speakers: What are the existing drivers of the rising food insecurity and how do we support those that are most at risk of food insecurity?
    Arif Husain, Chief Economist and Director of Research, Assessment and Monitoring at the United Nations World Food Programme
  • Fireside talk: Ensuring sufficient nutritious food for everyone – which approach to value chain development is needed?
    Jan Laustsen, Director – Trade, Markets and Nutrition, Danish Agriculture & Food Council
    Kinga Szabo Christensen, Advisory Director, Confederation of Danish Industry
  • Fireside talk: The journey towards efficient agriculture and food production – how can solutions reduce food loss and waste and contribute to food security?
    Morten Enggaard Rasmussen, Executive Vice President, Sustainability & Brand, Novozymes
    Torben Funder-Kristensen, Head of Industry Affairs, Climate Solutions, Danfoss
  • Wrap up
    Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation

Global Food Talk is presented in relation to World Food Day
Global Food Talks is contributing to the international debate and will be held in relation to the UN’s World Food Day on October 16. Collective action across 150 countries is what makes World Food Day one of the most celebrated days of the UN calendar.

The talk will be held in Food Nations’ new virtual universe
You need to register as a user the first time you access the platform, where you will receive a password by email. You can access the universe here.

Global Food Talk is presented by:

Fish International

Visit Fish International in Bremen, Germany from 4-6 September 2022 and meet 17 Danish companies within the fishing industry showcasing fish products and processing solutions.

Around 303 exhibitors from 29 nations presents their products in the areas of fish production and processing, fresh fish and delicacies, as well as research and development in September 2022.

Why join?

Fish international…

  • gives traders a platform where they can gain information on what’s new in the German market and get a good overview of the fish industry.
  • offers a varied and individual assortment of fish to give traders ideas for achieving better market positioning.
  • presents a concentrated display of machines and technical aids and appliances for SMEs.
  • shows a broad spectrum of counter concepts for fishmongers and mobile fishmongers that is only to be found in Bremen.
  • gives you time to talk to other fish industry members so you can discuss ways to perfect your everyday work.

Fish international – that is over 10,000 sqm of exhibition space for around 303 exhibitors from 29 nations in 2020. A good 10,000 visitors from the fishing industry, retail and gastronomy come here to find suppliers, get information and exchange ideas. 85% of the trade visitors are involved in purchasing decisions in their company.

Danish companies at Fish International:

Enabling green and digital innovation to fight food waste in Europe

In Europe, approximately 88 million tonnes (equivalent to 173 kg per person) of food is wasted every year across the entire value chain. This corresponds to 20% of all food produced. More than 70% of waste arises in households, together with the catering and retail sectors, whilst production and processing accounts for the remaining 30%.

Addressing food waste is crucial if we are to achieve better food security, responsible use of natural resources and ensure sustainable economic growth. In Europe, we have committed to meet the food loss and waste reduction targets adopted by the United Nations General Assembly as part of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, and further complemented these goals by new ambitious targets in the Farm to Fork Strategy.

Denmark has put the prevention of food waste high on its political agenda. Government campaigns to increase consumer awareness, coupled with various private sector initiatives and public-private partnerships have had favourable results. The majority of other EU countries have developed national plans or strategies for food waste reduction and put in place multi-stakeholder partnerships in the food value chain to help spread knowledge, find solutions and join up efforts in food waste prevention.

Tackling food waste necessitates the mobilisation of the different players along the supply chain to responsibly handle food, from promoting sustainable business models and utilising innovative technology to improved nutritional and consumption approaches. Innovation and technological progress, including digitalisation has also brought forward cutting-edge solutions to address the environmental and societal challenges of food waste while contributing to economic growth.

With less than 10 years left to meet the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, this topic is more crucial than ever. With this in mind, this event will facilitate an exchange on best practices in the reduction of food waste, including how we can better exploit innovative solutions and data to transform our food systems for enhanced food security and sustainable business opportunities.


10.30 – 10.33: Introduction to the event
Méabh McMahon, Moderator

10.33 – 10.41: Keynote speech
HRH Princess Marie of Denmark

10.41 – 11.20: How technologies can prevent and optimise food waste
Moderated by Méabh McMahon

Remarks by Jarl Frijs-Madsen, Danish Ambassador to the Netherlands

  • Annemarie Meisling, Senior Director, Corporate Affairs, Chr Hansen
  • Anna-Karin Modin-Edman, Senior Sustainability Manager, Arla Foods
  • Tobias Lau, Beyond Coffee
  • Søren Ejlersen, Aarstiderne
  • Katelijne Berx, HelloFresh Nordics

11.20 – 12.25: Panel discussion and Q&A
Moderated by Méabh McMahon

Remarks by Odd Sinding, Danish Ambassador to Belgium

How can stakeholders’ actions minimise wasting food and create new
Panel debate with the above speakers to be joined by:

  • Selina Juul, Founder, Stop Wasting Food
  • Ignace De Nollin, SmartWithFood
  • Toine Timmermans, Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling
  • Patricia De Clercq, Government of Flanders – Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
  • Greet Maenhout, Head of Unit, Bioeconomy, JRC
  • Maurits Groen, Wholy Greens
  • Laurence Gouthière, ADEME, The French Agency for Ecological Transition

12.25 – 12.30: Concluding remarks
Mie Ole Lauritzen, Head of Business Development and Partnerships, Food Nation

When and where?

Date: 19 September 2022
Time: 10.30 to 12.30 pm
Registration: Please send an email to Kerry Louise O’Donoghue, Commercial Advisor, The Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU:

The event is organised by


Join this year’s Nor Fishing either in Trondheim or online on August 23-26, and get inspired by innovative solutions showcased by exhibitors from around the world among 50+ Danish companies. 

Nor-Fishing is an important national and international meeting place for the fisheries industry. It is one of the largest fish-technology exhibitions in the world. In recent years, the exhibition has drawn around 15.000 visitors from about 50 countries. Innovations of importance to all sectors of the industry are presented here.

This year’s Nor-Fishing is a hybrid trade fair that is arranged both physically in Trondheim Spektrum and digitally. In Trondheim Spektrum, the fair takes place from August 23 – 26, while the digital trade fair platform opens as early as August 1st.

Why join?

The fisheries industry has developed tremendously over the past fifty years, and technology, processes and services related to fishing, processing, transport and marketing have undergone an incredible development. All the major fishing nations are present either as exhibitors, visitors or in official delegations.

Danish Export – Fish Tech is organizing a Pavilion of Denmark at Nor-Fishing 2022. Here, you can meet +50 Danish companies presenting solutions of tomorrow within the fishery industry. This will be a grat opportunity for networking with the Danish industry and share knowledge, leads and establish new business relations. See what Danish companies will join right here.

Let’s Talk! Gastronomy as a driver to initiate sustainable food system changes

Join Food Nation’s Global Food Talk on August 25 focusing on gastronomy’s impact on consumption and production habits to initiate sustainable food system changes. At the talk, you will meet leading high-level profiles from the Danish and international agricultural and food scene.

By 2050, the world will have close to 10 billion mouths to feed. Yet, 1/3 of all food produced is lost or wasted. Therefore, we must ensure efficient and sustainable food production.

Gastronomy must be used as a lever for the development of better eating habits, counteract food waste and contribute to the sustainable development of agricultural and food production.

The main question for this talk is: How can sustainable gastronomy be a lever to provide safe, healthy and responsible consumption and production of agriculture and food products?

The webinar will be held in Food Nations’ new virtual universe
You can access the universe here. You need to register as a user the first time you access the platform, where you will receive a password by email.


  • Welcome
    Lise Walbom, CEO Food Nation
  • Opening remarks: Denmark’s ambitious goal as a gastronomic nation
    Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Rasmus Prehn
  • Key-note speaker
    William Drew, Director of Content, World’s 50 Best 
  • Motivational speaker
    Melina Shannon-DiPietro, Executive Director of MAD
  • Fireside talk: Gastronomic innovation through close interaction between industry and academia
    Mette Schacht Færch, Vice President, Global Marketing & Consumer Experiences, Danish Crown & Claus Meyer, Danish entrepreneur, Chef and Affiliated Professor at DTU Biosustain and DTU Food
  • Fireside talk: Simmering initiatives to create sustainable change
    Matt Orlando, Chef and Owner Amass & Fredrik R. Nilsson, CEO, LAKRIDS BY BÜLOW
  • Wrap up
    Lise Walbom, CEO Food Nation

Why join?

Join Food Nations Global Food Talk on gastronomy to gain knowledge on game-changing solutions, scalable actions, and partnership models for sustainable development, be inspired by international stakeholders focusing on sustainable and circular food solutions for all and become motivated to take action toward the 2030-agenda.

Global Food Talks is contributing to the international debate and will be held in relation to Copenhagen Cooking from 19-28 August. Copenhagen is a gastronomic metropolis with a strong focus on sustainability, inspiring new solutions, innovation and collaboration. Every year Copenhagen Cooking arranges activities targeted at all people working in the food industry.

The Global Food Talk is presented by: