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Webinar: Limiting food loss and waste in South-East Asia throughout the value-chain

Did you know that over 800 million people go hungry every day, while nearly 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted annually? That’s enough to feed the world’s hungry population four times over. In Southeast Asia, where the population is projected to grow by 12% by 2035, addressing food waste is not just important—it’s urgent. South and Southeast Asia accounts for 25% of the global food waste and more than 50% of Southeast Asia’s waste is food waste.

Be part of the solution

Join us on October 2 for a powerful webinar as we dive deep into how we can reduce food loss and waste throughout the value-chain. Food Nation is hosting the webinar in honor of UN’s International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction – with a particular focus on the critical need for financing to bolster efforts to reduce food loss and waste. Discover innovative Danish solutions that can inspire and transform food systems across Southeast Asia.

What to expect?

The webinar aims to highlight the extent of losses and waste in food production throughout the entire value-chain and understand at which stage of the value chain they occur. It showcases how the Danish food system tackles food loss & waste and secures high food safety & quality by collaborative strategies, and it introduces to concrete cases and ways to meet the challenge that may inspire viewers in Southeast Asia.


The webinar will bring together experts who are making a difference:

  • Strategic Sector Cooperation in Southeast Asia, Sanne Høj Andrén, Sector Counsellor, Food and Agriculture, Embassy of Denmark in Vietnam and Hans Ebbensgaard Murillo, Minister Counsellor, Food and Agriculture, Embassy of Denmark in Indonesia
  • Danish Think Tank on Prevention of Food Loss and Food Waste, Emilie Mille Müller, Secretarial Employee, ONE\THIRD
  • Danish private initiative which redistributes surplus food to people in need, Vår Thim Trolle Hansen, Operations Coordinator, Danish Food Bank (Fødevarebanken)
  • Danish dairy cooperative, Charlotte Sørensen, Business Development Manager, Arla Foods Ingredients

Who should attend?

This webinar is ideal for:

  • Decision-makers in the food industry
  • Policymakers focused on sustainability
  • NGOs and community leaders striving to reduce food insecurity
  • Businesses looking to implement sustainable practices


Moderator: Mie Ole Lauritzen, Director, Food Nation



10:00   Welcome
By Mie Ole Lauritzen, Director, Food Nation
  How the Danish public sector is ready to assist countries in achieving substantial reductions in their food loss and waste

By Sanne Høj Andrén, Sector Counsellor, Food and Agriculture, Embassy of Denmark in Vietnam and Hans Ebbensgaard Murillo, Minister Counsellor, Food and Agriculture, Embassy of Denmark in Indonesia

Preventing food loss and waste – a collaborative approach to food value chain engagement

By Emilie Mille Müller, Secretarial Employee, ONE\THIRD

Valorization of side- and by-streams from the dairy and the fruit supply chain

By Charlotte Sørensen, Business Development Manager, Arla Foods Ingredients          

Adding a link to the value-chain of otherwise wasted food               

By Vår Thim Trolle Hansen, Operations Coordinator, FødevareBanken

 11:00   Thank you for participating


Invite your colleagues and partners

The webinar will be hosted on Zoom. Bring your business partner and colleagues and see how by working together, we can meet tomorrow’s challenges and opportunities.

A link to access the webinar will be e-mailed to registered participants before the webinar starts.

Navigate the German market: Insights on marketing and sales

Join the upcoming webinar about Germany on May 27, 2.00-3.00 PM (CEST) and get inspired on how to do business on the German market from a marketing and sales perspective. Meet market experts and experienced companies sharing knowledge and learn more about the findings from the latest Insight Report on Denmark as a Food Nation. The webinar will also dive into the numbers inherent in a recent consumer analysis of German consumers conducted by the Danish Agriculture and Food Council.

Germany represents an important market for Denmark, accounting for 16.8% of the total Danish export of food and agricultural goods in 2023. Germany is a compelling market for Danish agriculture and food companies, driven by German consumers’ strong environmental, climate, and sustainability consciousness. This matches well with Danish commitments to sustainable production and quality standards. With a focus on animal welfare and climate-friendly foods—evidenced by 78% of consumers including vegetables in their diet—Danish companies are well-placed to meet these demands through innovative and responsible production.

The geopolitical landscape, emphasizing local production and resilience, boosts German interest in products that benefit the local economy and environment. This, combined with the German decision-makers’ preferences for high-quality, sustainable products and solutions, offers Danish companies a significant opportunity to increase their market presence. Given that 58% of consumers are concerned about animal welfare and half are inclined towards climate-friendly eating, Danish enterprises can effectively meet German consumers’ evolving needs, capitalizing on Denmark’s recognized strongholds in agriculture and food production.

Utilizing the attributes valued by German decision-makers—quality, health, animal welfare, organic, and freshness—associated with Danish food and agricultural products and solutions, Danish companies can capitalize on the strongholds that intersect with the values of the German market.


  • Export insights from Germany
    By Bastian Ellegaard, Senior Consultant at Danish Agriculture and Food Council 
  • German market findings from Food Nation’s Insight Report
    By Lise Walbom, CEO at Food Nation
  • Consumer trends in Germany
    By Bastian Ellegaard, Senior Consultant at Danish Agriculture and Food Council
  • Dialogue session: Live from Germany
    By Tanja Asmussen, Senior Commercial Advisor – Food and Agriculture at the Embassy of Denmark in Berlin
  • Q&A and final remarks
    By Lise Walbom, CEO at Food Nation

By participating in the webinar, you will gain insights on:

  • Insights on the perception of Denmark as a food nation by German decision-makers and key areas to emphasize in your marketing and sales approach.
  • The significance of highlighting your commitment to quality, food safety, organic, low environmental impact and natural attributes when doing business in Germany
  • Up-to-date market information covering opportunities and potential challenges to be aware of when exporting to Germany
  • Insights on German consumers and appearing trends

Who should attend? We kindly invite representatives and decision-makers from exporting as well as export-ready companies and organisations within the agriculture and food arena.

This webinar is presented in collaboration with:


Global Food Talk – Securing reliable and sustainable food systems through innovation and creativity

Join Food Nation’s Global Food Talk held in the conjunction with UN’s Innovation and Creativity Day on April 24th from 14:00-15:15 (Copenhagen, GMT +2) and meet leading high-level profiles from businesses and organisations working with innovative solutions. Find the full programme below.

The global food supply is at a turning point. As issues related to climate change, population growth, geopolitical instability and reliance on natural resources continue to exist, the need for creative and innovative solutions to food and agricultural production is abundantly clear.

Join the event and be inspired by innovative solutions, scalable actions, and partnerships for sustainable development from international stakeholders.

The main question for the talk is:

How can creativity and innovation accelerate the transition towards more sustainable food for all?

The Global Food Talk highlights how innovative and creative solutions can be significant drivers towards securing a reliable and sustainable food supply worldwide. In Denmark, research, innovation, and solid public-private partnerships drive the green shift in food and agriculture. The close collaboration across the agriculture and food value chain creates a culture where sharing knowledge is key to advancing innovation. Join the Global Food Talk to explore more about these insights and be part of the progress.



  • Opening Speech – Danish Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Jacob Jensen 
  • Key-note SpeechJaime Adams, Senior Advisor for International Affairs & US AIM for Climate Lead, US Department of Agriculture
  • Fireside Talk 1: How do we ensure continuos innovation and development towards a more sustainable agriculture and food sector?
    • Ole Thonke, Undersecretary for Development Policy, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    • Michael Zöllner, Chief Sustainability Advisor, the Export and Investment Fund of Denmark (EIFO)
  • Fireside Talk 2: How can business drivers and innovative solution accelerate the transition towards a more safe and reliable agri-food system for current and future generations?
    • Birgitte Skadhauge, Vice President, Carlsberg Research Laboratory, Carlsberg Group R&D 
    • David Henstrom, CEO, Unibio Group

Moderated by Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation Denmark

The talk will be held online
We will stream the talk online and you can access the stream here.


The Global Food Talk is presented by:



Climate Smart Agriculture in California – market insights and opportunities

Are you a Danish company providing solutions within the agriculture value chain? Then you should join this webinar!

California is the largest agricultural state in the US with a $50 billion industry. The state produces 1/3 of all US grown vegetables and ¾ of nuts and fruits. Meanwhile, the state is experiencing growing challenges with droughts and extreme weather conditions due to climate change. Large focus on environmental regulations where state-level authorities have implemented some of the most ambitious emission reduction targets in the US. Finally, labour costs and shortages are to an increasing extent challenging farmers to recruit skilled workforce within the industry. This creates a demand for new types of climate smart agricultural solutions.

Building on Food Nation’s Insight Report, Ramboll will present a brand new report focusing on the California market and perceptions of climate smart agriculture solutions. In addition, The Trade Council will launch a new platform for 2024, where Danish companies can sign up to activities to learn more about the market fit to their solutions, do’s and don’ts when you start working with the California market and finally give your company a stronger platform and network in California. California is a market that holds great potential for many Danish companies, but deciding to target this market is a major decision, due to its large size, regulatory framework, and the considerable distance from Denmark.

This webinar aims to give you a fly-in to what this market might hold for you and your company and how to navigate and brand yourself within the State’s agricultural sector.


  • Opening speech
    By Jesper Møller Sørensen, Ambassador of Denmark to the United States of America
  • Key market findings from Food Nation’s Insight Report
    By Lise Walbom, CEO at Food Nation
  • Presentation of California branding strategy study
    By Juan Argüelles Ortiz, Lead Consultant at Ramboll
  • Presentation of Climate Smart Agriculture Platform
    By Anna Trillingsgaard, Commercial Advisor – Food and Agriculture at The Trade Council
  • Q&A


Strengthen export growth by extra branding support

With a positive reputation among the world’s largest nations, there are good opportunities for enhanced exports of Danish products and solutions. Food Nation invites you to an online Branding Masterclass with a focus on providing inspiration to support your company’s existing branding for international B2B decision-makers. 

Food Nation serves as your extended support for international promotion. We continuously develop branding elements as free support for export efforts toward global business partners in the agriculture and food sector. The Branding Masterclass will provide you with knowlegde and new tools from the Food Nation branding Toolbox for you to help strengthen your branding and marketing across borders.  

The masterclass has a special focus on the potentials within climate and seafood. At the branding masterclass you will get to know all the new branding materials, in the form of whitepapers, podcasts, VR and exhibition designs, as supportive marketing materials for your company or organisation. 

Explore how the Food Nation branding platform can be adapted to strengthen your global marketing while enhancing export growth. 


  • Opening speech
    • Jacob Jensen, Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries
  • How your business can benefit from the Food Nation Branding platform?  
    • Lise Walbom, CEO at Food Nation
  • News and key opportunities for your business within climate and seafood 
    • Mie Ole Lauritzen, Director at Food Nation
    • June Gibba, Project Manager  at Food Nation
  • How to engage your business and gain support for your export activities from the Food Nation branding platform?
    • Marianne Riisbøll, Brand and Engagement Manager at Food Nation

To whom is this relevant? 

We kindly invite marketing and sales representatives from exporting as well as export-ready companies and organisations within the Danish agriculture and food sector to join the masterclass. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. 

Let’s Talk: The seafood sector’s contribution to healthier and more sustainable food systems

Join Food Nation’s Global Food Talk online on June 8 from 10.00 am (DK time), where you will meet leading high-level profiles from the fisheries, aquaculture and research industries. 

People around the world share a common need for safe, nutritious, and reliable food. With a world population expected to reach 10 billion people by 2050, we face a major challenge in providing safe and healthy sources of protein as part of a stable and sustainable food system that can supply current and future generations. 

The developments and innovations happening in the seafood sector these days may be an important driver towards a more sustainable food system. 

This Global Food Talk highlights where and how the fishing-, aquaculture- and processing sectors can be significant drivers towards securing a reliable and sustainable supply of seafood to consumers worldwide.  

The main question for this talk is: How can the seafood sector contribute to healthier and more sustainable food systems? 


  • Welcome
    Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation
  • Key-note Speech
    Manuel Barange, Director of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Division at FAO
  • Fireside talk 1: How do we ensure sufficient sources of protein for everyone?
    Jens Kjerulf Petersen, Head of Section at Institute of Aquatic Resources, DTU AQUA
    Liselotte Hohwy Stokholm, CEO, Tænketanken Hav / Think tank Ocean Institute
  • Fireside talk 2: How can innovative solutions in the seafood sector drive the transformation towards a safe and reliable food system for current and future generations?
    Paw Petersen, CEO at OxyGuard 
    Hanne Kvist, Director Group Market Development & Marketing
    at Royal Greenland
  • Wrap up
    Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation

Why join?

Join Food Nations Global Food Talk about the seafood sector to gain knowledge on game-changing solutions, scalable actions, and partnership models for sustainable development, be inspired by international stakeholders focusing on sustainable and circular food solutions for all and become motivated to take action toward the 2030-agenda. 

Global Food Talks is contributing to the international debate and will be held in conjunction with UN’s World Ocean Day on June 8th 

This collective effort across 150 countries makes World Ocean Day one of the most significant days in the UN calendar. 

World Food Safety Day 2023

Vær med, når Codex Alimentarius’ verdensomspændende World Food Safety Day for femte gang markeres. Vi ses online onsdag den 7. juni klokken 10-12 med Landbrug & Fødevarer og Food Nation som værter. Vi stiller skarpt på, hvordan samarbejde og risikoopfattelse er centrale fundamenter for arbejdet med fødevaresikkerhed, og zoomer ind på håndtering af kemiske forureninger.

Danske fødevarer er kendt i hele verden for høj fødevarekvalitet og -sikkerhed. Det skyldes ikke mindst det stærke samarbejde mellem forskning, virksomheder, myndigheder og Landbrug & Fødevarer, som giver danske fødevarevirksomheder en unik mulighed for løbende at vurdere, teste og innovere deres produkter og løsninger.

Fødevaresektoren er i hastig udvikling, og som en del af komplekse globale værdikæder præget af konstant forandring og usikkerhed, er det nødvendigt at have opmærksomhed på de risici, der findes på tværs af forsyningskæderne. Derfor er det vigtigt hele tiden at følge de globale fødevaresikkerhedsstandarder. Det gælder også i forhold til kemiske forureninger i fødevarer, hvor rammerne for at mindske forekomsten skal være på plads.

Tilmed dig World Food Safety 2023, og få indsigt i de nyeste erfaringer inden for samarbejde, risikoopfattelse og fødevaresikkerhed ved kemiske forureninger.

Send en mail med navn, titel og virksomhed på mail “World Food Safety Day” senest tirsdag d. 30. maj. Du er velkommen til at indsende input og spørgsmål ved tilmelding. Du modtager et link til eventet tirsdag d. 6. juni.


9.45 Check-in til virtuelt møde

10.00: Introduktion og velkomst
Mie Ole Lauritzen, Head of Business Development, Food Nation og Anna Høgberg, afdelingsleder, Landbrug & Fødevarer

Merete Juhl, adm. direktør, Landbrug & Fødevarer

Forbrugertrends frem mod 2030: Oplevelser af tryghed og risiko i forhold til fødevarer?
Nina Preus, forbrugersociolog, Landbrug & Fødevarer

Hvad er Fødevarestyrelsens rolle i forhold til fluorstoffer (PFAS) i fødevarer?
Charlotte Legind, miljøkemiker i Kemi og Fødevarekvalitet, Fødevarestyrelsen

Styrket samarbejde understøtter eksporten
Troels Vensild, Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, Fødevarestyrelsen

Jesper Vibe Hansen, statskonsulent, Udenrigsministeriet Japan

Anna Høgberg, afdelingsleder, Landbrug & Fødevarer

12.00 Tak for i dag

New Interactive Mapping Tool for the US Biosolutions Market

The Danish Technological Institute (DTI) and The Trade Council of Denmark in the United States have developed an interactive tool to assist Danish stakeholders in identifying customers, partners and competitors in the US market for food and biotechnology.

The tool is developed with the main purpose of assisting Danish stakeholders and thereby strengthening Danish export to the US in the biosolutions sector, but the tool will also highly beneficial to companies in the agriculture and food production sector.

Along with the tool, DTI is releasing their report under the working title; “The Danish Biosolution Firms and their market in USA”, with a user guide to the tool.

Food Nation will host the workshop in our Virtual Universe which will be the online meeting platform for this event. You can already now explore Food Nation’s Virtual Universe and we recommend you create a user account on the platform ahead of the webinar.


15:00-15:15 Introduction
By Mikkel Dam Schwartz, Minister Counsellor Food and Agriculture
15:15-15:35 Show and tell of the interactive map
By Stig Yding Sørensen, Senior Specialist, Danish Technological Institute
15:35-15:40 Feedback from early users
15:40-16:00 Q&A


Biofach 2023

BIOFACH 2023: Explore Denmark’s organic solutions at the Nuremberg fair. 

The leading organic food sector gathers once again at BIOFACH in Nuremberg, Germany from the 14th to 17th of February. Come by the Danish pavillion to visit more than 40 food companies, offering organic and innovative products; see the full list below.

Denmark will be represented at Biofach, to enhance the leading Danish providers within organic and climate-friendly food production. The Danish joint looks forward to welcoming all participants in hall 6, at stands 6-111, 6-125, 6-135.

BIOFACH is the world’s leading trade fair, gathering stakeholders from different areas of the value chain, that share the same values and environmental desires for the food industry. As the international interest for an organic and sustainable future continues to grow, a variety of international stands will allow for sharing of ideas, inspiration and innovation within the organic community.

Taking part in the organic food fair allows for:

  • Networking: Over 40 companies from all areas of Denmark are participating at the fair, in order to establish global connections.
  • Experiencing: The perfect place to experience the innovative trends and developments that act as a foundation for Denmark’s sustainable food production.
  • Learning: An exchange of ideas and perspectives will satisfy one’s hunger for knowledge from Danish proffesionals within the field.

The following Danish companies are present at Biofach 2023:


For more information, visit Danish Organics.

Launch of the Danish agri-food sectors ‘Virtual Universe’

Join us for an inspirational morning session on December 8 from 9-10 am, where you will be introduced to the new Virtual Universe in the Food Nation branding platform. You will gain inspiration on how the digital tool can support  your international branding and sales activities 

Get inspiration on how your next virtual export meeting can be turned into an inspiring and impressive experience for your international B2B peers when we are presenting the Danish strongholds, products, solutions and competencies within the Danish agriculture and food sector digitally. 

Discover the Virtual Universe
In the Virtual Universe and Academy of Sustainable Value Chains, you can dive into the strongholds of the Danish agriculture and food sector in a brand new, digital way, as well as explore steps along the value chain within sustainable dairy and pig production. 

Denmark has a strong position and focuses on sustainability in the entire value chain within dairy and pig production and we are proud to present you to the Academy of Sustainable Value Chains, where we will share solutions that can contribute to the green transition internationally.

With the new digital presentation of the strongholds, it is possible to navigate the universe with plenty of interactive elements e.g., explore solutions within fields, barns, processing environments, watch videos, enjoy live-streamed talks, read digital white papers and interact with content in a range of different spaces. 

Food Nations Virtual Universe helps you not only to make your export meeting lively with informative features and videos but also makes it possible for you to host engaging export meetings. Are you eager on knowing more about what Food Nation offers you to support your international branding, marketing and sales work, then we are looking forward to seeing you in our new digital universe for an inspirational morning on December 8 from 9.00-10.00 am. 

Sign up and register before December 7, 2022