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Skab eksportvækst med positionering af styrkepositionerne – Randers

Med et positivt omdømme blandt verdens største nationer, er der gode muligheder for styrket eksport. Food Nation præsenterer den årlige Imageanalyse, som belyser hvad internationale B2B beslutningstagere i Kina, Tyskland, USA og Indien efterspørger, og hvordan danske virksomheder kan positionere sig stærkt. 

Men hvordan kan du som dansk landbrugs- og fødevarevirksomhed bruge resultaterne og målrette din markedsføring på de fire markeder? Dét og meget mere kan du blive klogere på, når vi præsenterer analysen i Randers. 



  • Velkomst
    Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation 
  • Fødevareklyngens brandingkonsortium – den forlængede arm til international promovering 
    Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation
  • Key findings fra Imageanalysen om Danmark som fødevarenation 2023
    Emil Meulengracht, Project Manager, Food Nation
  • Differentier dig og boost dit salg – hvordan styrkes salg og marketing med brug af styrkepositionerne?
    Mette Schacht Færch, Global Vice President og CMO, Danish Crown
  • Gastronomi som styrkeposition – dansk servering 
  • Brandingelementer der understøtter dine eksportaktiviteter
    Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation
  • Netværk

SIAL Shanghai 2023

Meet Danish food companies on May 18-20th 2023, at SIAL Shanghai in China. Discover how products and solutions from Denmark can help grow your business, at Asia’s largest food innovation exhibition.

The exhibition halls represent 21 different sectors including ingredients, meat products, fish, frozen food, organic food, wine & spirits, equipment and much more. Visit hall E3 to meet the Danish food companies presenting solutions of tomorrow by Denmark. Full list of Danish companies attending below.

SIAL Shanghai will be held in Shanghai International Expo Center across an exhibition area of 180,000 ㎡. It is expected to attract 4,500 exhibitors and 150,000 professionals from around the world to showcase leading products and new gems, exchange thoughts and opinions of the whole industry.

SIAL Shanghai sets the benchmark for overseas companies stepping into Asia and China as well as providing valuable market insights, trends and innovations of the regional food industry, in particular in the meat, dairy and beverage sectors.

Danish companies at SIAL Shanghai:

Launch of New White Paper: Seafood – Denmark is a Leading Hub for Sustainable Production and Innovation within Fisheries and Aquaculture

Join us on April 25th at the world’s biggest Seafood fair in Barcelona when we launch the new white paper on Seafood. You will meet the Honorary Consul General of Denmark in Barcelona, Lau Kjeld Andersen, and leading representatives from the Danish seafood sector at Norbech’s booth 3EE201 in hall 3. Look out for the Danish pavillion.

What will be the next important steps towards the green transition of the seafood sector? The white paper on seafood focuses on how Denmark will contribute to the future with new smart technological solutions within fisheries, aquaculture and fish processing.

Denmark has an age-old tradition for being a nation of fishers. From small beginnings, the Danish fisheries industry has grown into a thriving hub for wild-caught fish, aquaculture and processing – not to mention the seafood trade in partnership with Greenland and the Faroe Islands. Today, Denmark ranks as the largest seafood exporter in the EU and a leading supplier of technology for fisheries, aquaculture and processing, prioritising sustainability and quality within the global food value chain.

Join the launch of the white paper at the Global Seafood Expo/Seafood processing tradefair in Barcelona for presentations, delicious seafood tastings, networking opportunities and receive a free copy of the white paper. Meet the Danish seafood sector, be inspired by Denmark’s contribution to sustainable development and gain an insight into how the evolution of Danish seafood technology and experience can benefit your business.

How to find the launching event
Look out for the Danish pavillion in hall 3 at stand 3EE201 organised by Danish Export Association and co-funded by the Danish Trade Council. The event takes place at the company Norbech’s booth. Registration is not necessary.


  • 17.00 Welcome by Martin Winkel Lilleøre, Head of Fish Tech, Danish Export Association and Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation
  • Opening speach by Lau Kjeld Andersen, Honorary Consul General of Denmark in Barcelona, Spain
  • Presentation of the White Paper Seafood by Christina Tønner Jensen, Project Manager, Food Nation
  • How does the Danish seafood sector contribute to solving UN’s Sustainable Development Goals?
    Moderated dialogue between Poul Melgaard Jensen, CEO, Danish Seafood Association, Paw Petersen, CEO, OxyGuard International and Kurt Bech Christensen, CEO, Norbech
  • Networking Reception – Delicious seafood tastings from AquaPri and Royal Greenland and distribution of white paper
  • 17.45 Thank you for today


CFIA 2023

Visit CFIA (Agro-Food Industry Supplier Fair) in Rennes, France 14-16 March 2023 and meet leading Danish companies within food processing and equipment.

Since 1997, the CFIA has been one of the main fairs for expertise in the food-processing industry in Europe. Essentially aimed at the sector’s manufacturers, the fair provides a comprehensive market overview, from raw materials to end-products, through three sections; equipment & processes, packing & conditioning and ingredients & intermediate food products.

Each year, the fair aims to act as a showcase where the sector’s industrial companies can keep up to date with the latest developments, identify the best investment solutions and keep in touch with their contacts.

Danish pavilion

Visit the Danish pavilion and engage with leading companies that present solutions within food-processing equipment.

Danish companies at CFIA

The Danish Pavillion is organised and supported by:




Seafood Expo North America/ Seafood Processing North America

Join North America’s largest seafood exposition, Seafood Expo North America & Seafood Processing North America in Boston on March 12-14, 2023. Stop by booths 2081 and 2084 to meet the Danish exhibitors, showcasing their business solutions within the seafood market.

Visit the Danish Pavillion in booths 2081 and 2084, for sustainable and cost-effective solutions within the seafood industry. Meet Danish companies sharing their innovative technology solutions and experience within seafood processing and exports. The full list of participating companies can be found below.

Seafood Expo and Processing North America provides thousands of buyers and suppliers from around the world, attending the exposition to meet, network and do business. The newest seafood products, equipment, and services available in the seafood market will be showcased during the three-day exhibition, and informative conferences will be hosted to share knowledge about the latest trends and discoveries.

Why visit?

Are you working within the seafood trade business? Then you do not want to miss this exposition. This exposition gathers more than 1,300 exhibiting suppliers from over 50 countries under one roof, year after year.

The 2023 conference program will feature 32 educational conferences, presented by top industry experts from around the world. Attendees will take away informative, engaging and practical information covering the most important and timely issues relevant to today’s seafood business environment.

Danish Companies Attending Seafood Processing North America:

Danish Companies Attending Seafood Expo North America:

The Danish Pavillion at Seafood Processing North America is organized and supported by:


ISM – Largest Trade Fair for Sweets and Snacks

Meet Danish food companies at the world’s largest trade fair for sweets and snacks from April 23th to 25th, in Cologne, Germany. ProSweets and ISM Cologne covers the entire value chain of the industry.

Bio Aus Dänemark is organising a stand at the international trade fair, to represent the largest Danish firms within the sweets industry. Experience and taste Danish products from chocolate and confectionary, to biscuits and delicious snacks in Hall 11.1, 11.2 and 2.3.

With its multifaceted range of offers, ISM Cologne reflects the entire spectrum of products on the sweets and snacks market.

ISM and ProSweets offer the complete range of supplies for the sweets and snacks industry: From innovative ingredients to pioneering packing solutions, to optimised production technologies. Visit the trade fair and experience; chocolate and chocolate products, sugar confectionery, biscuits, snack foods, savory ready-to-eat snacks, fruit and vegetable snacks, breakfast incl. coffee and tea, ice cream, deep-frozen confectioneries and trade associations.

Why join?

Are you interested in finding new inspiration and innovation within the field of confectionery and snacks? Or do you simply have a sweet tooth? Then you should not miss out on the ISM trade fair. With constant changes in consumer needs, new nutritional trends and product innovations will be showcased at ISM and Prosweets.

ISM and Prosweets are picking up on trends and enhancing their product worlds with new theme areas to do with sweet and savory in-between snacks.

Participating Danish companies

The Danish stand is organised by Bio Aus Dänemark.



For additional information regarding the exhibitors, please visit the website.


Gulfood 2023

Meet 25 Danish companies at this year’s Gulfood in Dubai. Gulfood is one of the world’s largest annual business-to-business food & beverage exhibitions, welcoming food and beverage professionals from all corners of the globe.

Launched as a biennial event in 1987, the exhibition has grown to promote food and beverage trade between more than 125 countries annually, enabling 5000+ providers of raw materials and ingredients to showcase the latest trends and innovations that are shaping the future of food and beverage consumption worldwide.

The 5 days of exhibition take place in Dubai World Trade Centre – a central hub for international trade and commerce.


  1. Famobra A/S
  2. Gumlink Confectionery Company A/S
  3. Food with you
  4. Jacobsens Bakery Ltd A/S
  5. Osterberg Foods A/S
  6. MultiMarketing
  7. Landshandilin
  8. Scandic Food A/S
  9. Free Company A/S
  10. Northern Greens A/S
  11. Jensens Pancakes


  1. Atlas Food A/S
  2. Envases Europe A/S
  3. ESS-Food A/S
  4. Danish Crown
  5. Noridane Foods A/S
  6. Nowaco A/S
  7. Robert Damkjær A/S
  8. Thomson Foodline
  9. Danfond A/S
  10. Tomex Danmark A/S


  1. DANÆG Products A/S
  2. Fayrefield Foods A/S
  3. Nordex Food A/S
  4. Smilla Food A/S

FOODEX JAPAN 2023 Seminar: Safe & Sustainable from Denmark – Conventional, Plant Based and Organic 

Join us at FOODEX JAPAN SEMINAR in EAST HALL 3: ‘Safe & Sustainable from Denmark – Conventional, Plant based and Organic’ –  How sustainable products and solutions can ensure nutritious and safe food for everyone. At the seminar,  you will meet leading high-level profiles from the Danish agricultural and food scene.  

Denmark will once again take part in FoodEx Japan, with the 2023 theme “Total Solution of Food”. The high standard of food quality, organic, and sustainability within the Danish products will be represented at the Danish Pavillion.

Sustainable, organic and high-quality food supply is the backbone of the Danish agriculture and food industry. Driven by a collaborative approach across nations allow the food sector to offer innovative and sustainable food products. Full list of participating firms can be seen below.

Join the seminar to find inspiration to future production and experience how cooperation throughout the food value chain can create stronger sustainable business.  



Moderator Mrs. Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation  

Opening remarks
Mr. Jacob Jensen, Danish Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries  

Insight Report 2022 on Japan market
Mrs. Mie Ole Lauritzen, Head of Business Development and Partnerships at Food Nation

Organic food service products developed with a touch of innovation and with a focus on sustainability
Mrs. Mette Ring O’Donnell, Director, Food Service at Østerberg Foods 

Plant-based, high-quality and sustainable diet through organic plant-based protein products
Mr. Ulrich Kern-Hansen, Founder and Chairman of The Board at Organic Plant Protein 

Closing remarks
Mrs. Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation 


The seminar is presented by: 


In collaboration with:



The following Danish companies will be present at FOODEX:

Join us at the Danish stand for delicious tasters and informative dialogues.

Learn more on: FOODEX JAPAN.


Biofach 2023

BIOFACH 2023: Explore Denmark’s organic solutions at the Nuremberg fair. 

The leading organic food sector gathers once again at BIOFACH in Nuremberg, Germany from the 14th to 17th of February. Come by the Danish pavillion to visit more than 40 food companies, offering organic and innovative products; see the full list below.

Denmark will be represented at Biofach, to enhance the leading Danish providers within organic and climate-friendly food production. The Danish joint looks forward to welcoming all participants in hall 6, at stands 6-111, 6-125, 6-135.

BIOFACH is the world’s leading trade fair, gathering stakeholders from different areas of the value chain, that share the same values and environmental desires for the food industry. As the international interest for an organic and sustainable future continues to grow, a variety of international stands will allow for sharing of ideas, inspiration and innovation within the organic community.

Taking part in the organic food fair allows for:

  • Networking: Over 40 companies from all areas of Denmark are participating at the fair, in order to establish global connections.
  • Experiencing: The perfect place to experience the innovative trends and developments that act as a foundation for Denmark’s sustainable food production.
  • Learning: An exchange of ideas and perspectives will satisfy one’s hunger for knowledge from Danish proffesionals within the field.

The following Danish companies are present at Biofach 2023:


For more information, visit Danish Organics.

INVITATION: Nye markedsmuligheder for plantebaserede fødevarer i Benelux og Tyskland

Den tyske regering har fokus på plantebaserede fødevarer, og tyske forbrugere spiser plantebaseret som aldrig før. I Benelux er markedet for plantebaserede produkter i en stabil udvikling, og der investeres i innovation for mere bæredygtig fødevareproduktion.

Få indsigt i det plantebaserede marked i Benelux og Tyskland 1. marts 2023: På dagen lancerer vi et eksportforløb for virksomheder, der ønsker sparring på eksport til Benelux og Tyskland. Forløbet omfatter bl.a. to studieture til de respektive markeder i foråret 2023, hvor deltagende virksomheder vil møde relevante beslutningstagere hos potentielle partnere og kunder.

Arrangementet er særlig relevant for virksomheder, der arbejder med plantebaserede fødevarer og eksportambitioner, men alle fødevareinteressenter er velkomne.

Det er gratis at deltage i hele arrangementet. Oplæggene vil foregå på engelsk.


Indregistrering og netværksfrokost


  • Velkomst 
    Jan Laustsen, direktør for Handel, Marked & Ernæring, Landbrug & Fødevarer
  • Opdatering fra markederne Belgien og Nederlandende
    Emma van Leenen, markedsekspert 
    Introduktion til markedet for plantebaserede fødevarer i Benelux med særligt blik på nuværende trends og udviklingen de kommende år; Lokale forbrugere, producenter og detailsektoren samt indblik i projekter og netværk, der er særligt interessante for danske producenter.
  • Opdatering fra det tyske marked
    Markus Merkle, adm. direktør og Sarah Bastian, projektleder, Marketingbureauet Blumberg i Esslingen, Tyskland
    Overblik over det tyske marked for plantebaserede fødevarer, herunder den aktuelle udvikling og fremtidige nøgletrends; Tyske kunders adfærd, værdier og (uopfyldte) behov.
  • Virksomhedsperspektiv
    Hør fra virksomheder, der allerede eksporterer aktivt til markederne: Succeser og udfordringer.
  • Studierejser: Hvad kan du forvente?
    Tanja Asmussen og Steen Thorsted, Trade Council Berlin og Bruxelles

Afsluttende spørgsmål og bemærkninger

Der er sat tid af til spørgsmål efter hvert programpunkt. Moderator er Lise Walbom, direktør i Food Nation.

Vi glæder os til at byde jer velkommen.