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Inspiration by Denmark


Navigating the path to climate effective agriculture and food production can be challenging, especially when traditional practices are strongly rooted. Change is never easy, but Denmark’s long history as a farming nation has equipped us with the tools to lead the green transition in this sector. Today, our agrifood sector not only supports our economy but also sets a global standard for food safety, quality and resource efficiency.   

Denmark has set ambitious targets, aiming for a 55-65% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector by 2030. Achieving this will require innovation, collaboration, and the active participation of both public and private sectors. 

In this online catalogue, we present five Danish inspirational ways to drive environmental responsibility in agriculture and food systems. These strategies reflect our commitment to innovation and collaboration, particularly through public-private partnerships. Our goal is to inspire and support similar efforts worldwide.
Whether you are involved in policy, business, or farming, we hope these insights will guide and motivate you on your own path to more sustainable production.


  1. Denmark’s Pioneering Carbon Tax and increasing natural habitats 
  2. Accelerating Innovation through Public-Private Partnerships 
  3. Sustainable Farming Practices Aligned with Natural Systems 
  4. Proteins for a Sustainable Future 
  5. Adopting Digital Tools for Climate Action  

CEO Lise Walbom, Food Nation


In the face of the escalating climate crisis, transforming our agriculture and food systems is more than a necessity – it’s an opportunity for green innovation and eco-friendly solutions.  

Denmark has emerged as a global leader in sustainable agriculture, combining advanced technology, innovative practices, and showing steadfast commitment to environmental stewardship, being the first country to introduce a carbon tax on livestock. This catalogue outlines how Denmark’s strategies and innovations can serve as inspiration for international efforts to transition the agriculture and food sector towards a more sustainable future. 

In this catalogue, we invite you to explore the innovative and collaborative approaches that have contributed to Denmark’s role in advancing sustainable agricultural solutions. We hope to inspire and encourage similar transformations globally, showing that change is possible and actionable today. 

billion tonnes (Gt)

According to the United Nations, the global food system is responsible for about a third of all global greenhouse gas emissions.


By 2050, the global population is expected to reach 9.7 billion, necessitating a 50% increase in food production.


In Denmark, agriculture and food system account for 35 % of our national greenhouse gas emissions, highlighting the urgent need for transformative changes.


Denmark's Pioneering Carbon Tax and Increasing Natural Habitats

Denmark's Tripartite Agreement: A Global Model for Sustainable Agriculture

Leading the Green Transition
Denmark has set a new global precedent with the “Tripartite Agreement on a Green Denmark”, a pioneering collaboration between the government, agricultural sector, industry, and environmental organizations. This historic agreement, reached on June 24, 2024, offers a blueprint for countries worldwide aiming to balance economic growth with environmental sustainability. 

A Unique Collaboration for a Green Future
The Tripartite Agreement is the first of its kind globally, bringing together traditionally opposing groups to address climate change, biodiversity loss, and water quality. This unified effort highlights Denmark’s commitment to creating comprehensive, implementable solutions that can inspire similar initiatives internationally.  

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Key Initiatives: Transforming Denmark’s Agri-Food Sector

  1. Significant Emissions Reductions

By 2030, Denmark aims to reduce emissions by 1.8 to 2.6 million tonnes of CO2e, with a further goal of 3.3 million tonnes by 2035. This represents a significant reduction of approximately 60% compared to 1990 levels. A key part of this effort is the introduction of a tax on livestock emissions, starting at EUR 40 per ton of CO2e in 2030 and increasing to EUR 100 per ton by 2035. Farmers will receive a 60% deduction, effectively lowering the rate to EUR 16 in 2030, rising to EUR 40 per ton of CO2e by 2035. This system provides strong financial incentives for farmers to adopt climate-efficient technologies and measures. The tax revenue generated will be reinvested into green initiatives, specifically targeting farmers who face the greatest challenges in adapting. 

  1. Sustainable Land Use and Biodiversity

The agreement includes a EUR 5.4 billion Green Area Fund to support afforestation, peatland restoration, and other initiatives. This will transform 15% of Denmark’s agricultural land into natural habitats, enhancing biodiversity and expanding protected areas. 

  1. Holistic Water and Nature Management

Denmark also commits to improving water quality and protecting drinking water through innovative nitrogen management and expanding protected nature areas to at least 20% of the land. The creation of five new national parks will further bolster biodiversity. 

  1. New Ministry for Green Tripartite Implementation

The Danish government has created a new ministry responsible for implementing the agreement. The appointment of a Minister for Green Tripartite underscores the importance placed on succeeding with transforming Danish livestock production by the Danish government.

A Model for Global Adoption
Inspired by Denmark’s tradition of labor market agreements, the Green Tripartite brought together diverse stakeholders to tackle agriculture’s environmental challenges. This agreement showcases the power of joint responsibility and cooperation in achieving ambitious sustainability goals.

Denmark’s Tripartite Agreement serves as a global model for sustainable development. It demonstrates that even the most complex environmental challenges can be addressed through collaboration, innovation, and shared responsibility. Countries worldwide are encouraged to draw inspiration from this initiative, adapting its principles to their own contexts.

Read more about the agreement here


Accelerating Innovation through Public-Private Partnerships

Innovation Through Collaboration
Denmark’s success as a leader in the green transition is deeply rooted in its ability to foster strong public-private partnerships. These partnerships are not just collaborative efforts but are strategically designed to accelerate innovation in the agri-food sector. By bringing together industry, academia, and government, Denmark has created a highly efficient and coherent value chain that drives sustainable agri-food innovation.

A Collaborative Approach to the Green Transition
Knowledge-sharing partnerships between industry, academia, and authorities make the route to food innovation smoother and faster. In Denmark, this collaborative approach is a cornerstone of the nation’s food innovation ecosystem, enabling stakeholders to uncover mutual interests and challenges. This dynamic interaction sets the wheels of innovation in motion, ensuring that Denmark remains at the forefront of sustainable agri-food systems. 

Denmark’s food cluster is built on a strong, interdependent network of stakeholders, each with clearly defined roles and responsibilities. This collaboration spans the entire value chain, from primary agriculture and fisheries to manufacturers of ingredients, food products, technology, and equipment. It also includes local and national authorities, as well as universities and research institutions. This partnership, widely respected, is a cornerstone of Denmark’s global success and reputation for excellence in agriculture and food innovation. 

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Key Initiatives: Driving Innovation in Denmark’s Agri-Food Sector

  1. AgriFoodTure: A Mission-Based Partnership 

AgriFoodTure is a partnership that exemplifies Denmark’s approach to innovation, involving over 60 partners from universities, SMEs, large national and international companies, civil society, and national authorities. The mission behind the cross-cutting collaborations with actors from the entire value chain is to work fast to create strong, results-oriented research and innovation that develop disruptive solutions that enable the green transition of the agri-food system.  

AgriFoodTure addresses critical issues such as sustainable production, resource efficiency, and climate resilience. The initiative accelerates the implementation of innovative technologies and practices, contributing significantly to Denmark’s sustainability goals and setting new standards for the global agri-food industry. 


  1. Food Nation: A Branding Consortium for the green transition  

Food Nation is a public-private partnership established by the Danish government alongside leading private organizations and companies. Food Nation plays a important role in creating awareness of Denmark’s strongholds in the agri-food sector and serves as a gateway for international stakeholders seeking information about Danish agriculture and food solutions. 

Food Nation continues to promote Denmark’s capabilities in the green transition, ensuring that the nation’s innovations in sustainable food production are recognized and adopted worldwide. 

A Model for Global Adoption
Denmark’s triple helix model of collaboration between industry, academia, and government offers a powerful framework for other countries seeking to enhance sustainable agricultural practices and competitiveness. The ability to gather stakeholders around a table and foster a collaborative mindset is a significant driver of Denmark’s strong reputation for innovation. Internationally, Denmark ranks at the top for innovation indicators in the food industry, making it a model for other nations to follow. 

This concentration of expertise and collaborative approach not only drives Denmark’s domestic success but also contributes to its active role in international standard-setting. Through Strategic Sector Cooperation projects, Denmark shares its innovative solutions and expertise with partner countries, helping to solve specific challenges and advancing global food safety and sustainability standards. 

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Sustainable Farming Practices Aligned with Natural Systems

Denmark’s Drive for Sustainable Farming and Biodiversity
Denmark has made consistent efforts toward sustainable farming, particularly in organic agriculture. With a strong commitment to aligning farming practices with natural systems, Denmark enhances biodiversity, improves soil health, and significantly advances its sustainability goals. 

A Tradition of Organic Excellence
Denmark’s progress in organic farming reflects decades of dedication and innovation. The Danish government has set an ambitions target for organic agriculture, aiming for it to make up 21% of the country’s farmland by 2030. Furthermore, with over 13% of total food retail sales being organic, Denmark holds the highest market share for organic products globally. 

This success is rooted in pioneering organic legislation, including the world’s first organic law in 1987 and the introduction of a national label on all organic products in 1990. These initiatives have established Denmark’s organic products as synonymous with high standards in food safety, traceability, quality, and sustainability. 

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Key Initiatives: Driving Organic and Regenerative Practices in Denmark

  1. Organic Farming as a National Priority and the Organic Cuisine Label 

Denmark’s national strategy is focused on expanding organic agricultural areas and increasing the market share of organic products. Supported by a robust legislative framework and strong collaboration among stakeholders, Denmark continues to prioritize organic food production.  

Introduced in 2009, the Organic Cuisine Label recognizes professional kitchens based on their use of organic products. This initiative, along with others, reinforces Denmark’s dedication to promoting sustainable food practices. Denmark continues to push for growth in organic farming, aiming to double the organic agricultural area and strengthen its position as a global leader in sustainable food production. 

  1. Regenerative Agriculture: Industry-Driven Initiatives 

As nature-based solutions is gaining traction globally, there is growing momentum driven by Danish companies who are encouraging their suppliers to adopt regenerative practices. These companies recognize the potential of regenerative agriculture to reduce carbon footprints, enhance biodiversity, and improve soil health. 

Danish companies are requesting their suppliers to transition to regenerative agriculture as part of their broader sustainability strategies. This bottom-up approach leverages the influence of market leaders to drive change across the supply chain, fostering a more sustainable agri-food system. 

By encouraging suppliers to adopt regenerative practices, companies are supporting the transformation of Denmark’s agricultural landscape, promoting practices that align with natural systems and contribute to the long-term sustainability of the sector. 

A Model for Global Adoption
Denmark’s sustainable farming practices offer a model for countries worldwide seeking to align their agricultural systems with natural processes. The nation’s commitment to organic farming demonstrates the economic viability of sustainability and the importance of a collaborative approach among stakeholders. Whilst still emerging, the push towards regenerative agriculture driven by Danish companies shows how industry can play a critical role in advancing sustainable practices across the supply chain. 

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Proteins for a Sustainable Future

At the Forefront of Plant-Based Foods and Biosolutions
Denmark is at the forefront of developing protein sources, with a strong emphasis on plant-based foods and protein-rich biomasses using biosolutions. These efforts align with the country’s commitment to reducing the environmental impact of food production. 

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Key Initiatives: Driving Innovation in Sustainable Proteins

  1. National Action Plan for Plant-Based Foods 

Recognizing the growing global demand, Denmark has introduced the world’s first national action plan dedicated to plant-based foods, addressing the entire value chain from farm to table. This initiative strengthens Denmark’s role in sustainable food production by focusing on increasing its market share domestically and globally.  

The plan includes investments to double the agricultural area for plant-based production by 2030, expand exports, and boost the domestic market by 4-11% annually. These efforts highlight Denmark at the forefront of protein-rich plant production and expansion of the plant-based food sector and serve as a model for innovation and sustainability worldwide. 

  1. Biosolutions: Harnessing Nature for New Protein Production 

Denmark is at the forefront of biosolutions, which include the use of enzymes, bacteria, and fermentation technologies to produce sustainable protein-rich biomasses. 

Biosolutions have the potential to reduce global CO2 emissions by up to 4,300 million tons by 2030 – equivalent to 8% of today’s global emissions. Danish companies are driving this shift by integrating biosolutions into their production processes and encouraging suppliers to adopt these innovative methods. 

The adoption of biosolutions has the potential to support the reduction of the carbon footprint of food production, conserve resources, and improve the sustainability of the entire agri-food value chain. As biotechnologies continue to evolve, they hold the promise of transforming global food systems, making them more resilient and environmentally friendly. 

 A Model for Global Adoption
Denmark’s approach to developing new proteins through plant-based foods and biosolutions serves as a powerful inspiration for global adoption. By prioritizing innovation and collaboration across the value chain, Denmark is setting an example for other countries to follow in reducing the environmental impact of food production while meeting the growing demand for proteins worldwide. 

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Adopting Digital Tools for Climate Action 

Pioneering Climate Action through Digital Innovation
Denmark’s dairy farming sector is at the forefront of integrating digital tools to drive climate action. By adopting innovative technologies, Danish dairy farmers are setting new benchmarks in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, optimizing productivity and farm operations, and enhancing sustainability across the entire value chain. This approach not only supports Denmark’s commitment to the Paris Agreement but also positions the country as a leader in sustainable dairy farming. 

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Key Initiatives: Transforming the Danish Dairy Sector Through a Unified Approach to Climate Action

  1. Denmark Leads Dairy’s Green Transition with Climate Check and FarmAhead™ technology 

The Climate Check model is a digital tool that allows Danish dairy farmers to systematically assess and manage their farm’s carbon footprint. Initially developed by Arla Foods and now implemented industry-wide by the Danish Dairy Board, this tool collects and analyzes data on a broad range of farming practices, providing actionable insights to help farmers reduce their emissions. 

Since 2022, over 1,900 Danish dairy farms have adopted the Climate Check model. This comprehensive coverage spans the entire Danish dairy industry, processing approximately 5.6 billion kilos of milk per year. The implementation of the Climate Check model across all Danish dairy farms is a world-first achievement, demonstrating Denmark’s forefront position in climate action within the dairy sector. 

To further support climate action, the FarmAhead™ initiative expands on the Climate Check model by linking these efforts with customer demands for lower-carbon dairy products. Launched in 2023, FarmAhead™ tracks not only the climate footprint of milk production, but also allows customers in retail and foodservice to become partners on sustainability initiatives taking place on-farm, providing customers with access to data that can be used in their own ESG reporting and to support their scope 3 climate goals. Not least does it reward farmers for reducing emissions and protecting biodiversity through a higher milk price which allows for investment in innovation to integrate new technologies into sustainable farming practices. 

Through these unified efforts, Denmark aims to significantly reduce emissions across the dairy industry, aligning with the Paris Agreement’s goals and setting a global standard for climate accountability in agriculture. 

  1. Smart, digital farming for enhancing efficiency and sustainability 

In addition, Danish dairy farmers are increasingly adopting smart farming technologies that integrate digital tools with sustainable practices. These include robotic milking systems, precision feeding technologies, and AI-driven monitoring systems, all designed to enhance farm efficiency while reducing environmental impact. 

The adoption of these technologies has led to significant reductions in resource usage, including water and energy, and has improved animal welfare through better health monitoring and management. By optimizing inputs and outputs, digital farming tools help reduce waste and lower the carbon footprint of dairy production. 

As these technologies continue to evolve, they will play a crucial role in transforming dairy farms into highly efficient, data-driven operations that prioritize sustainability and climate action. The integration of digital tools in dairy farming is expected to lead to a 63% reduction in emissions by 2030, supporting Denmark’s broader decarbonization goals. 

A Model for Global Adoption
Denmark’s pioneering use of digital tools for climate action in dairy farming offers a powerful model for other countries seeking to achieve similar goals. Denmark is leading the way in creating a more sustainable and resilient dairy industry. 

The success of these initiatives not only benefits Denmark’s domestic dairy sector but also sets a precedent for global climate action in agriculture. As digital farming tools become more widely adopted, they have the potential to drive significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions on a global scale. 

Denmark’s  pioneering role  in adopting digital tools for climate action in dairy farming demonstrates how technology and innovation can be harnessed to achieve meaningful environmental outcomes. By sharing these best practices and technologies with the world, Denmark is contributing to the global effort to combat climate change and promote sustainable agriculture. 

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