Internationalisation knowledge class: Can your organisation meet the sustainability demands of the future?
Join a knowledge class that will allow your company to strengthen its international presence. Based on existing Danish strengths and ambitions within sustainability, we look at future demand and what it takes for your company to take part in the opportunities.
Food & Bio Cluster Denmark and Food Nation invites to an inspirational and informative session where you will get answers on the following key questions:
- How can your company secure your future potential within the stronghold of sustainability?
- How can your company secure the future demand of sustainable products, solutions and processes through inspiring talks and presentations?
- Introduction to the GAP-analysis of your company and how your company can meet the market demands of the future?
Possibility to sign-up for individual coaching after the event
After the event, it will be possible to sign up for individual follow-up-meeting with Food & Bio Cluster. Based on a GAP-analysis you will identify if and how your company responds to the increased future market demand of sustainability. The GAP-analysis will illustrate if it is necessary with extra education, increased innovation, process- or product development.
Follow-up meeting focusing on greenwashing and knowledge sharing
Later during the spring, after the first session and optional coaching session, we will invite you to a follow-up meeting focusing on knowledge sharing and an inspirational session on how to market your sustainability efforts in an efficient way without greenwashing your business.
Who, where and when?
The Internationalisation knowledge class is reserved for commercial key persons within sales and marketing and people working with food, agriculture, innovation and sustainability.
The internationalisation course is intended for commercial key persons within development, sales and marketing, as well as people working in the agriculture, bio-resources and food industry.
The course will kick off with a physical event on Tuesday, March 8, from 12 to 16 p.m. in Agro Food Park 13 and 15, 8200 Aarhus, with follow-up meetings in the beginning of 2022. The event will be conducted in Danish.
Sign up here! It is free to attend the event.
Preliminary program
Agro Food Park 13
12:00 – 12:30
Lunch and networking in Food Nation’s Visitor Centre
Agro Food Park 15
12.30 – 16.00
Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation
Lars Visbech Sørensen, CEO Food & Bio Cluster Denmark
Status of stronghold: Sustainability
Presentation of white paper on sustainability and Insight Report – Sustainability – a key export driver
Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation
What are the major themes in the field of sustainability and how can sustainability be documented?
Katherine Richardson, Professor and Leader at Sustainability Science Centre, Copenhagen University
Inspiration cases: What roles does sustainability play for companies and how can it be communicated internationally?
Sebastian Nielsen, CEO Slow Forest Coffee
Break – delicious refreshments
Workshop: How can your company meet the market demands of the future?
Lars Horsholt Jensen, COO, Food & Bio Cluster Denmark
Next step – Innovation, branding, and marketing
Lars Horsholt Jensen, COO, Food & Bio Cluster Denmark
Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation
Food & Bio Cluster Denmark
Food & Bio Cluster Denmark exists to strengthen knowledge-based innovation and collaboration between companies and knowledge institutions across the food and bioresources value chain. We are the gateway to networking, the development of new business ideas and funding opportunities.
Food Nation
Food Nation is a public-private partnership established by the Danish government and leading private organisations and companies. Food Nation creates awareness of Denmark as a frontrunner within innovation, sustainable and effective food production. We work as a gateway for international stakeholders seeking information about Danish food solutions.