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Wally and Whiz

Nordic high-quality winegum handmade in Denmark

There are many who can’t eat winegums because of the ingredients often used in producing them like animal gelatine, artificial colouring and gluten. This is why Danish winegum producer Wally and Whiz decided to make a winegum available for everyone, regardless of taste, intolerance, age, religion or geographical origin.

The winegums are 100% vegan and contains no additives, gluten or artificial colours. This ensures that virtually anyone can eat them anywhere. And the product is not only meant to be eatable by anyone – it’s a top shelf gourmet winegum with the best ingredients and some experimental tastes such as apple/yuzu, liquorice/sea buckthorn or peach/bergamot.

From apartment experiments to worldwide winegums

Wally and Whiz originated in a small apartment in Copenhagen where the founder started his mission to create a winegum suitable for gourmet shelves all over the world. Through trial and error, Wally and Whiz developed their first product for sale in a local speciality store. Today, Wally and Whiz winegums are available in more than 800 stores in about 30 countries with a production line that makes 2,000 cans a day.

The winegums are 100% vegan and contains no additives

Start small, dream big

Denmark’s culture for entrepreneurship and innovation seeps through all layers of the food cluster. From well established industrialised food companies to ambitious and agile start-ups, we’re always trying to come up with new innovative and tasty food products and solutions. Denmark’s culture for entrepreneurs fosters a mindset, where there is never a long way from idea to execution – or national to international markets.