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New cider innovates by recycling surplus product

In Denmark, the apple harvest in 2019 was not very good due to frost at the first apple flowers in May. The lack of apples caused the Danish cider producer Æblerov early in the year to look for new opportunities to develop their products – and this time they looked towards the leftovers from their cider production.

The lack of apples led them directly to their own waste, where they started using the excess apple pulp. They experimented with pouring water on the apple pulp to make an extra extract from the leftovers, added honey and fresh berries and, from the innovative idea, they succeeded in producing 5000-8000 extra liters of product from Æblerov’s pulp.

“The pulp is a surplus product from the cider that we have long wanted to recycle, for example by selling it to a farm or producer, because we thought it was a shame to throw it out,” says Morten Sylvest-Noer, co-founder at Æblerov.

Today, the company produces more than 25.000 littres of apple cider a year. Production as well as exports are in rapid growth and the cider is enjoyed in countries such as Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Germany – and most recently Mexico. However, the vast majority of cider still goes to the Danish market.

Source: FødevareWatch