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Restaurants join a carbon reduction mission

Restaurant waste is not just about food. It is also about CO2 emissions. For instance, when searching for ‘the sustainable restaurant’ many consumers are focusing on less meat and organic – not on CO2 emissions. Therefore, there is a need for more knowledge on how restaurants, through food waste reduction, can reduce their CO2 emissions. But that is about the change.

Through a pioneering project, the Restaurateurs’ Guarantee Association (REGA), a part of the Danish restaurant and hotel industry trade association DRC (Denmarks Restaurants & Cafees) together with Global Compact Network Denmark (GCDK) aim to help restaurants reduce their carbon footprint by cutting back on waste.

A value chain approach

With the name ‘Sustainable Development Goals in the Value Chain’, the three-year project brings industry, knowledge producers and restauranteurs together to raise sustainability standards across the restaurant industry and its value chain.

Restaurants need new systems for transforming food waste into a resource – and raising their sustainability standards

From waste to resource

Food waste is one of the main sustainability challenges that will be addressed by the project’s four value chain groups. The objective is to identify, test and market new guidelines and solutions that will enable restaurants to transform their food waste into a valuable resource. This can only be done in partnerships with actors from the value chain.

Ultimately, REGA aims to bring the strongest ever focus on sustainability to restaurants at home and abroad so restaurants also play their part in achieving a carbon neutral future.