Process analytical technology ensures utilization of raw material to the fullest
The global food production must increase with 60% by 2050 in order to meet the demands of the growing world population. At the same time 30-40 % of all produced foods are lost before it reaches the market, and from this loss around 10 % is caused by ineffective production processes.
Advanced predictive technologies that keep production lines efficient and competitive is essential for the future food industry, ensuring an effective and sustainable production.
One solution involving predictive technology comes from the Danish company Q-interline, which has developed a technology called InSight Pro, conducting in-line measuring directly in the production process. The technology has been implemented in big dairy groups in Italy, Germany, Denmark, and Austria with the aim of optimising mozzarella production and reduce waste.
One of the largest dairy groups in Germany produces approximately 70.000 tons mozzarella annually in one dairy plant, and they wanted to control the dry matter more effectively directly in the process. In average, they had a dry matter of approx 53,5% before Q-Interline installed and implemented InSight Pro on their GEA production lines.
they have increased the production output by 1 % equal to approx. 700 tons of mozzarella annually with the same amount of raw milk
The real time measurement of dry matter, salt, fat, and proteins in the production process and the constant monitoring of the stability has enabled the operators to adjust the production very fast when variations in the production stream occurred, particularly regarding dry matter and salt. This has allowed the dairy to reduce the dry matter by more than 1 percent in average over one year’s production.
The direct effect for this German dairy is that they have increased the production output by 1 percent, equal to approximately 700 tons of mozzarella annually with the same amount of raw milk. The profit obtained with the current price level for mozzarella of 4.810 USD/ton equals around 3,37 mio. USD annually. The investment in the InSight Pro systems was approximately 250,000 USD, securing the company a sizable profit from the investment already in the first year of operation.