A nature-based solution for reducing nitrogen leaching and improving soil health
Soil health and biodiversity are essential for sustainable farming. However, intensive agricultural practices like nutrient runoff can disrupt soil ecosystems and affect the balance of vital microorganisms. This reduction in biodiversity impacts nutrient cycling and weakens the resilience of farming systems.
Maintaining healthy ecosystems is key to supporting biodiversity, nutrient cycling, and enabling farmers and communities adapt to environmental changes. Addressing nitrogen leaching is key to preserving these ecosystems, ultimately contributing to a more resilient food system.
A nature-based solution to improving soil health
To address this challenge, DLF has developed Ecotain®, a nitrogen-reducing forage crop that shows promising results in lowering nitrogen runoff when consumed by livestock.
Ecotain® works both during and after digestion by reducing the amount of nitrogen released in livestock urine and diluting its concentration. This leads to less nitrogen being discharged into the soil over an extended period.
Ecotain® can reduce nitrogen leaching by 20% to 60%
Furthermore, Ecotain® contains natural compounds that slow the conversion of ammonium to nitrate, allowing plants to absorb more nitrogen and reducing the risk of it leaching into the soil and groundwater. This solution helps protect ecosystems and promotes sustainable land use.
Cultivating resilience in agricultural ecosystems
Ecotain® has delivered remarkable results when incorporated into feeding pastures, reducing nitrogen leaching by 20% to 60%1. Its deep-root system not only minimizes nitrogen runoff but also enhances soil structure by adding organic matter. This improved soil health supports a diverse ecosystem of organisms, including bacteria, fungi, earthworms, and insects, all of which are essential for nutrient cycling and overall soil vitality.