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Tulip Food Company A/S

A healthy revolution in cold cuts

Cold cuts are a classic ingredient in Danish cuisine and an everyday ingredient in lunches and dinners for consumers all over the world. This means that the levels of saturated fat, sugar and salt in cold cuts has a huge impact on the diet of the people who regularly consume cold cuts. In 1990 two innovative butchers decided to do something about that. A dedicated approach to reducing saturated fat in cold cuts led to a patented product line serving high quality meat with a greatly reduced fat content.

A cold cut revolution

The two butchers idea was simple, but genius. By replacing fats in processed meat with vegetable fiber, trimming off excess fat and using lean cuts of meat, they were able to greatly improve the nutritional value and health profile while maintaining an uncompromised flavor profile.

The two enthusiastic butchers’ idea was so innovative, that they received a patent and with that, Tulip Food Company’s product line ‘The Green Butcher’ was invented.

The product line The Green Butcher was founded on a strict set of principles in order to keep nutrition high and fat content low, all the while maintaining great flavor. Cutting off excess fat, replacing fat with vegetable fiber and using lean meat is what makes e.g. The Green Butcher’s famous “rullepølse” (rolled sausage) one of the healthiest on the market. The “rullepølse” is a traditional Danish cold cut made from pork belly, making it naturally high in fat. However, The Green Butcher’s version contains more than eight times less fat than a traditionally made one.

By replacing fats with vegetable fiber, trimming off excess fat and using lean cuts of meat, the nutritional value is improved in cold cuts while maintaining the flavor profile in cold cuts

The healthier choice made easy

Due to Tulip Food Company’s overall focus on a healthy composition, it has been possible for all the The Green Butcher’s products to be labelled with the Keyhole label, which is given to products with lower fat, salt and sugar contents than similar cold cut products. The keyhole label helps consumers choose the more healthy products in supermarkets, leading to a lower fat, salt and sugar diet.