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Low pesticide residues in Danish fruit and vegetables

The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration’s report on pesticide residues in food for 2018 again shows that there are fewer pesticide residues in Danish fruit and vegetables than in foreign ones.

It is rare that the Danish apples, cucumbers and tomatoes that consumers put in the shopping basket contain pesticide residues above the permitted limit values. This is shown by a report by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration in collaboration with DTU Food Institute.

Out of 99 samples of Danish fruit, as in 2017, no exceedances of the limit value were found. For Danish vegetables, the agency found two exceedances in 210 samples. “It is very positive that the studies once again show that Danish fruit and vegetables have a low content of pesticide residues,” says Henrik Dammand Nielsen, head of office at the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.

According to the report, there are more pesticide residues in foreign fruit and vegetables than in Danish. In 2018, pesticide overruns were found in 1.4 per cent. of the foreign fruits and in 3.6 per cent. of the vegetables. Most exceedances of the limit values ​​were in fruit and vegetables from 3rd countries, ie. countries outside the EU.

The limit values ​​are set as low as possible and at a level where pesticide residues are not dangerous to humans. “In 2020, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration is running a campaign where we take a closer look at pesticide residues in foreign foods. Because even though there are only a few products that exceed the limit value for pesticide residues, any exceedance is unacceptable,” says Henrik Dammand Nielsen.

As a consumer, you can reduce your pesticide intake by approx. one third if you buy Danish-produced crops when possible – and even more if you also buy organic.

Source: Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (In Danish)