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Colombia Shopping Line

The Confederation of Danish Industry (DI), The Danish Agriculture and Food Council (L&F), Denmark’s Export Agency (EKF) and the Embassy of Denmark in Colombia are facilitating this two-tiered initiative consisting of an exporter catalogue and a business delegation to Colombia.

Shopping Line is a business & finance concept, bridging relations between Danish exporters and large companies around the world. This time we focus on the possibilities within the Colombian meat industry. EKF has screened key players – now it is time for B2B!

Doing business with Colombia

The objective of the delegation is to match Danish companies delivering solutions, know-how and technology within the meat sector with key stakeholders from the Colombian meat industry – in order to support sustainable efficiency throughout the entire value chain. The Colombian agricultural sector is stable with an expected growth of 2.8 per cent – driven by poultry (estimated growth of 6.5 per cent) and pork (estimated growth of 5 per cent).

The participating Colombian companies are leading, well-established companies in the agro-industrial sector with high experience from many years on the market.

Danish companies at Colombia Shopping Line

ACO Funki

Aller Aqua

Breeders of Denmark







Source: Confederation of Danish Industry and Danish Agriculture & Food Council