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Copenhagen Distillery

First whisky distillery in the history of Copenhagen. We were established in 2014 launching our first product (a single botanical gin) mid. 2015. We now produce whisky, gin, Aquavit and a wide range of limited editions.

Our mission is simple: to change the world of spirits by challenging its conventions while respecting its traditions.

The same goes with our philosophy. We have a strong belief in the beauty of simplicity and balance along with an even stronger “Desire to Discover”. It’s through design, experimentation and radical thinking that we propel ourselves into new and uncharted territories of taste and flavours. If it doesn’t surprise and delight it doesn’t go into the bottle.

All of our products are truly artisan. From grinding the grist, fermenting the grain into alcohol, the distillation, maturation and bottling process – it is all hand made. Even the labels are signed off by the Master Distiller in person.

Visit the website here!


是哥本哈根历史上第一家威士忌酿酒厂。 我们成立于 2014 年,推出了我们的第一个产品(单一植物杜松子酒)。 2015年。我们现在生产威士忌、杜松子酒、阿夸维特和各种限量版威士忌。 我们的使命很简单:通过挑战传统并尊重其传统来改变精神世界。”我们的理念也是如此。 我们坚信简单与平衡之美,并怀有更强烈的“探索欲望”。 通过设计、实验和激进的思维,我们将自己推向新的、未知的口味和风味领域。 如果它不令人惊讶和高兴,它就不会被装进瓶子里。 我们所有的产品都是真正的工匠。 从研磨谷物、将谷物发酵成酒精、蒸馏、熟成和装瓶过程——全部都是手工制作。 就连标签也是由酿酒师亲自签署的