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Increasing poultry production with Danish enzyme

Food production has multiple effects on the environment. At the same time, global population growth and consumer demand requires high quality, affordable food as part of a healthy, balanced diet. In OECD-countries poultry consumption has gone up 83% since 1990. With rising global demand there is an urgent need for new solutions to produce more efficiently and with as little impact on the climate as possible.

Increasing efficiency for farmers

In a partnership between Novonesis, one of the world’s leading ingredient companies, and DSM, a Dutch leader in animal nutrition products, a product with a positive impact on the growth of broilers has been developed. The name of the enzymatic solution is Balancius.

Farmers produce 3% more food from the same amount of feed, cutting costs and lowering the environmental impact of food production

The enzyme works by removing bacterial cell debris from the chicken’s gut, enabling farmers to produce 3% more food from the same amount of feed. Considering that up to 70% of a farmer’s total production costs goes towards feed, Balancius can significantly cut costs and lower the environmental impact of food production.

Helping to improve sustainability

If Balancius were used for all broilers in Latin America and North America, where it has been launched, the total greenhouse gas emission savings would be 4.2 million tons of CO2.