Farm data enables effective emission reduction
More than 90 percent of GHG emissions in the meat production business comes from the farms. As one of the world’s largest pork exporters and a top-five beef producer in Europe, Danish Crown has agreed carbon reduction targets with its farmers, who strive to be role models for resource-efficient production towards shared climate goals.
To help farmers on the way towards their carbon reduction targets, the global food company has established the Climate Track sustainability programme.
Farmers on the Climate Track cooperate with Danish Crown in four major areas – climate, animal welfare, social responsibility and biodiversity. Parameters vary depending on the country and animal breed.
In return for sharing livestock production data and sustainability information, farmers receive individual feedback on their sustainability performance against a Danish Crown national average. This includes a mapping of where their GHG emissions come from and suggestions for reduction initiatives. Danish pig farmers who report on feed use and daily weight gain also receive a reporting premium.
data enables Danish Crown to implement group-level emission reduction initiatives with a measurable impact.
The collection of individual farm-level data enables Danish Crown to implement group- level emission reduction initiatives with a measurable impact. The data is also used in lifecycle assessments that calculate carbon footprint per kilo of selected products, providing clear documentation of the carbon footprint for customers and consumers.