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Automatic feeding system can increase productivity

Fewer farmers and changing diets has resulted in an increasing demand for technology that can improve agricultural productivity in Japan. Where a lot of time can be saved is by switching from manual feeding of cattle to automatic feeding systems.

Denmark has one of the most productive agricultural sectors in the world and therefore there are good opportunities for Danish technological solutions on the Japanese market. The demand for mechanized, safe and efficient solutions in food production has already provided many opportunities in Japan for the Danish company One2Feed, that produces automatic feeding systems.

Feeding livestock is one of the most time-consuming tasks on cattle farms, and the cost of feeding is high. Normally feeding is done manually or with a tractor, but by optimising the feeding processes, the farm management can become more efficient and less time-consuming.

Simple and efficient feeding system

The Danish company One2Feed has made a simply and efficient automatic feeding mixer and feeding system, which gives the farmer reliability and flexibility. One2Feed is a very robust system, that includes the ability of fully automatic filling and mixing off various feed elements, pushing the feed on the feed table and feeding.

The systems are made in stainless steel, fibre glass and other corrosion resistance materials. The software is managed via a wireless internet connection from a regular computer and the feeding systems gives the farmer great flexibility to ensure the specific feed for milking cows, heifers and calves. The software ensures resilience in the way that it is possible to make different feeding recipes and generate feeding exactly as ordered, 24/7 365 days a year.

In average 130 litres of fuel are saved each day and the farmer now only uses 1 hour a day on the feeding compared to 5 hours before

Time and resources are saved

In Hokkaido, Japan, the fully automated feeding mixer and feeding system from One2Feed has been operating at a large dairy farm with 700 cows since day one. The feed mixer has a weighing system providing high precision and minimal waste of feeding material. This ensures that the cows receive the feed necessary to produce a high level of milk quality and quantity.

By implementing One2Feeds automatic feeding system, significantly less resources can be obtained per day per produced litres of milk. In average 130 litres of fuel are saved each day and the farmer now only uses 1 hour a day on the feeding compared to 5 hours before.