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The top 500 FoodTech stars several Danish companies

Inspired by the Fortune 500, Forward Fooding has just presented the world’s first definitive list of global entrepreneurial talent based on the score of their business size, digital footprint and sustainability, FoodTech 500.

Forward Fooding is a Global Startup Network of Food and Tech Innovators whose mission is to foster food tech innovation to redesign the food system. Forward Fooding celebrates food and food tech entrepreneurs who are part of improving the food system across the globe while accommodating UN’s Sustainable Developments Goals: 2 – Zero hunger, 3 – good health and well-being and 12 – responsible consumption and production.

Danish companies make the official FoodTech 500-list

Forward Fooding showcases and ranks food tech companies (early-stage startup to scaleup) who take part in shaping the future of tomorrow’s food system. More than 2,000 applicants from 60 countries took part in the run-up for the FoodTech 500 in 2020, and several Danish companies made the official list here among TooGoodToGo, Fresh.Land and Plant Jammer. TooGoodToGo who distributes surplus foods was even ranked as the top 7th out of all applicants.

Technology is part of the answer

With current challenges within the food system such as the increased demand for food, food waste and the global emissions of greenhouse gases from food production, Forward Fooding believes innovative technology and agrifood tech are part of the answer. That is why Forward Fooding has created this network to enable companies to collaborate and to make our food system better and more sustainable.

Link: Forward Fooding