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Recap from the launch of the 2021 Insight Report: Enabling green transition through food safety and technology

Food safety and quality are critical export factors as it is a qualifier for long-term success in export markets. Almost half, 40%, of the decision-makers in China, Germany and the US agree Danish food and agriculture products and solutions have the highest food safety level in the world, according to the latest Insight Report from Food Nation on Denmark as a leading food and agriculture nation.

In the newly released report from Food Nation conducted by Epinion, 628 international decision-makers in China, Germany and the US working with food and agriculture products and solutions have given their views on Denmark as a food nation.

The results show that food safety is for many decision-makers the most important indicator of food quality whereas innovative digital technology is becoming a major pillar of the transition towards sustainable food systems.

A strong image internationally

Four out of five decision makers believe that a high level of food safety and quality is an increasingly important trade parameter. This proves that a high level of food safety and quality play an even more important role non the least amplified by a global health crisis.

The Insight Report was launched at Food Nation’s Visitor Centre in Aarhus, where, amongst others, DNA Diagnostics participated and shared their export experiences on the selected markets. COO, Allan Sandbeck, highlighted a DNA Diagnostics business case, which is also included in the report, on how healthy cows make good business.

Director of Consumer Goods at Epinion, Jesper Lykke Nielsen, stressed how the Danish food and agriculture cluster has a strong image according to the report. According to the survey, Denmark ranks 12th out of the 22 top-of-mind food and agriculture nations in total.

“The results paint a positive picture of Denmark in the export markets. The decision-makers connect Denmark with many good qualities such as quality, organic, sustainability, food security and technology that can contribute to green transition and optimal resource utilisation. It is a fantastic opportunity for Danish companies to talk about their concrete efforts,” said Lise Walbom, CEO of Food Nation.

Danish technology ensures food security and green transition

According to the report, 64% experience that their customers have higher demands on traceability in relation to food safety standards and quality of the raw materials. This finding emphasises the need for more traceable and transparent food systems – and here Danish companies deliver.

Further, 71% of the decision-makers from China, Germany and the US believe investments in technological solutions that optimise food security, quality and resource utilisation are necessary for long-term growth. Half of them consider Denmark to be a competent supplier of such solutions, which is important to build back better and greener.

“With a prospect that we will be 10 billion people on the planet, it is crucial to ensure traceability, resource efficiency as well as high quality and food security for all. In Denmark, we are strong in having regulatory systems and technology to meet this demand and we are ready to increase cooperation and enter into partnerships across national borders to reach the 2030 agenda,” said Lise Walbom.

International recognition of Danish strongholds

Compared to the domestic markets, Chinese, German and American decision-makers increasingly associate low environmental impact, animal welfare and sustainability with Danish food and agriculture. In addition, one in four decision-makers consider Denmark to be a strong partner in ecology and cooperation.

The increased international awareness of the Danish strengths is an important driver for export and provides an opportunity to accelerate in collaboration the narrative of Denmark as a leading food and agriculture nation.

Read or download the Insight Report together with market deep dives in Food Nation’s toolbox here.