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The Food Nation Visitor Centre is open

Today, Food Nation opens the Visitor Centre of the Danish food Cluster in Copenhagen together with the patron, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark. The interactive showroom presents the excellence Denmark can offer within research, knowledge and production of food for international companies and stakeholders. 

The Visitor Centre at Food Nation includes both physical, digital and interactive presentations of the strongholds within food production in Denmark. A story wall presents the historical milestones that have formed the food production we know today. A Virtual Reality lounge area and a dynamic Solution Box showcase products within the food arena in Denmark. These are just a few examples of what you can experience in the Visitor Centre.

The patron of Food Nation, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark, Minister of Foreign Affairs Anders Samuelsen and Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs Brian Mikkelsen, took part in the opening.

“Our vision with the new Visitor Centre is to create a place where we can inform, inspire and impress international decision makers, collaborators and all who wants to do business with Danish actors”, says Lise Walbom, CEO of Food Nation.

The Visitor Centre is open and ready to welcome visitors, who want to kick-start future partnerships and collaboration across countries. At the new Visitor Centre, they can gain knowledge about how actors from the whole Danish food cluster contribute with solutions of tomorrow.