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Low amount of antibiotics residues in Danish food products

The use of antibiotics for animals in Denmark has declined steadily during the last eight years. A report from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration shows, that only four out of 12.000 random tests of Danish products contained antibiotics beyond the legal limit.

Danish food products have a high food quality and safety level. A recent test showed that dairy, poultry and pork products were virtually free of antibiotic residues: Out of 12.000 random tests, only 4 tests showed products containing antibiotic residues.

To keep animals healthy, farmers sometimes use antibiotics. Using just enough makes the cattle, chickens or pigs healthy, safeguarding them from diseases. But too liberal use might affect humans negatively through our food. Consuming too much antibiotics can result in immunity from its effects. And antibiotics are important for treating many human diseases as well. Therefore, redundant amounts of antibiotics in animal products are a problem.

Strict control

“It is great that farmers are administering the medicine, they’re using on their animals. This means that consumers don’t have to fear any residue in their food. The use of antibiotics in Denmark has declined steadily since we introduced a ‘yellow card’ program for farmers who use too much antibiotics. Combined with strict control, this has ensured that Danish farmers can deliver food products on an enviable level”, says Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, Danish Minister for Environment and Food.

Food companies must ensure that they don’t receive animals or animal products containing more residue antibiotics than the legal limits. To ensure this, many slaughterhouses and dairies have strict self-regulation for testing their products.

One of the Danish dairies that have introduced self-regulating strategies is the cooperative dairy Arla. Read more about their initiative “The Arla Farm” here.

Source: Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark