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Consumption of organic goods in Denmark keeps on soaring

Sales of organic produce in Denmark increased by 9% last year compared to 2018. According to new figures from Statistics Denmark, organic goods are more popular than ever. 

The figures revealed that the sales of organics increased to EUR 1,83 billion in 2019 – a 9% rise compared to the year before.

The positive development is due to both more farmers and companies turning to organic production, as well as increasing demands from the Danish consumers.

Set to continue in 2020

The two areas that have seen particular gains are fruit and vegetable sales (up by 13% compared to 2018), beer and wine (up 13%), oats and flour (up 10%), dairy produce (up 8%) and chicken (also up 8%).

Plant-based drink options have also experienced significant development, selling for EUR 21,97 million last year – almost double the amount four years ago.

Largest organic market share globally

The figures reveal that 12% of all food and drink goods sold in Denmark are organic, which consolidates Denmark’s position as the global leader in terms of organic market share size.

The sale of organic goods in Denmark has increased every year since 2003. The Danish Agriculture and Food Council, expects the trend to continue in 2020 and estimates another 10-15% jump.

Source: Danish Agriculture and Food Council (in Danish)