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Welcome to Food Nation

Food Nation is a non-profit public-private partnership established by the Danish government and leading private organisations and companies. It is your gateway to information about the Danish agriculture and food sector and know-how that can accelerate the growth of international business through better solutions, innovative products and trusting cooperation. Food Nation creates awareness of Denmark as a frontrunner in innovative, sustainable and effective food production and works as a gateway for international stakeholders seeking information about Danish food solutions. In our two Visitor Centres in Copenhagen and Aarhus, we welcome delegations and companies for an introduction to Denmark as a leading agriculture and food nation.
Book your tour here.

Solutions to global challenges

Agriculture and food production is one of the most urgent challenges in creating a globally sustainable future. The world’s population grows exponentially every year and is expected to hit 10 billion by 2050. In the next 40 years, we will need to produce as much food as we have done in the previous 8,000 years. Around the world, a growing middle-class is emerging. At the same time, climate change underlines the need for a more sustainable and resource-efficient food production. Already, many countries and regions are suffering the consequences of over-eating and the diseases that follow. Meanwhile, other regions of the world struggle against undernourishment due to the lack of a secure supply or the unequal distribution of food.

A strong and coherent value chain

In Denmark, the food and agricultural sector has a strong value chain that encompasses everything from primary production in agriculture and the fishing industry to the wide range of products available to consumers all over the world. Along the way, companies, researchers and public and private organisations work ambitiously to make the Danish food and agricultural industry what it is today. The Danish food and agricultural cluster is known for its close and trusted relationships throughout the value chain – which has earned the Danish farming and food industry its good reputation for delivering strong solutions and effective collaborations.

The DNA of the Danish food and agricultural sector

Collaboration, quality and sustainability; this is what make the Danish food and agricultural cluster unique. Maintaining the high quality of Danish farming and food production is a vital part of the Danish food sector’s DNA, as companies and governmental regulatory authorities work to maintain Denmark’s position as frontrunners in food quality and safety. The Danish food and agricultural sector is known for its close ties between researchers, companies and public and private organisations. This collaboration forms the foundation of our unique Danish process for solving challenges through applied knowledge and innovation. A vital part of our DNA is the tradition of constantly looking for better ways of solving challenges – and this covers the whole value chain, from environmentally-friendly agricultural production to the reduction of food loss and waste.

Team Food Nation

Lise Walbom
+45 23285490
Mie Ole Lauritzen
+45 21286639
Malene Rygaard
Office Manager
+45 28294466
Malte Karlshøj
Project Manager
+45 50473632
Natascha Carlson
Project Manager
+45 22 85 17 24
Ning Sun
Project Manager
+45 52808802
June Gibba (on maternity leave)
Project Manager
+45 53572748
Katrine Marguerite Brøndtved Jørgensen
Project Manager
+45 24914050
Nana Haislund Hansen
Project Assistant
+45 24914050
Caroline Victoria Ulrich
Project Assistant
+45 24914050

Chairman of the board

Jais Valeur
Chairman of the board


Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries
Tejs Binderup
Deputy Director General, The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Anne Hougaard Jensen
Director, Green Diplomacy and Climate
Ministry of Business, Industry and financial affairs
Anders Thusgaard
Head of Department
Danish Food and Allied Workers’ Union - NNF
Ole Wehlast
General Secretary
Danish Agriculture and Food Council
Jan Laustsen
Director, Trade and Market Relations
Danish Industry
Jakob Lave
Director, The Danish Food & Drink Federation
Mette Sehested
Head of Group Communications
Carlsberg Denmark
Anders Kappel
Public Affairs Manager, Group Corporate Affairs
Danish Crown
Karl Christian Møller
Director, Analysis
Rasmus Malmbak Kjeldsen
Senior Vice President, ROW
Peter Steen Mortensen
Director, Head of Global Public Affairs
Mai Todsen Hansen
Vice President Service Management, BU PTS